Index of /bidinfo/Bid Tabs/

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File190918 2020_01_24 Bid Opening Summary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 125k
[TXT]A-bidtab notes.htm2021-10-02 03:40 3k
FileABC Water & Stormwater District 2020 Cranberry Run CCTV.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 770k
Fileamberley 2018 Road Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 21k
Fileamberley 2019 storm water projects bid tabulation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 94k
Fileamberley village amberly2018 storm water projects.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 21k
Fileamberly 2019 amberly village street program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 80k
Fileamberly village 2019 street program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 80k
Fileamberly village amberly 2014 stormwater projects.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 89k
Fileamberly village salt storage building.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 23k
Filearlington heights red daniels park bid .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 135k
Fileasht co austinburg township sanitary sewer improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 537k
Fileasht co carpernter road lift station rehabilitation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 152k
Fileasht co Clay Street Waterline Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 853k
Fileasht co holiday camplands wwtp rehab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 149k
Fileasht co Lake Road West Sanitary Sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 390k
Fileasht co meadowood allotment no. 1 sanitary sewer extension.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 534k
Fileasht co Old Lake Road Waterline Replacement - REBID.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 479k
Fileasht co old lake road waterline.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 479k
Fileasht co sanitary manhole rehab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 67k
Fileasht co saybrook & coffee creek water tanks.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 104k
Fileasht co Saybrook Country Club Allotments Waterline Improvements Project 19-03...2021-10-02 03:40 2893k
Fileasht co Saybrook Township Pump Station Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 19k
Fileasht co south spruce street waterline.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 476k
Fileasht co sr 45 waterline ext & rock creek water sys.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 621k
Fileasht co tall trees lift station rehab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 65k
Fileasht co U.S 20 Utility Relocation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 382k
Fileasht co water booster station generator upgrades.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 317k
Fileasht co water distribution system repairs general contract 2017-2021.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 184k
Fileashtabula co. sr 531 waterline replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 225k
Fileashtabula county district library geneva library parking lot resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 213k
Fileashtabula county port authority Operation and Maintenance Contract for Water ...2021-10-02 03:40 259k
Fileashtabula county port authority Plant C - Boiler Asbestos Abatement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 158k
Fileashtabula county port authority Plant C - Exterior Building Renovations - 2nd...2021-10-02 03:40 90k
Fileashtabula county port authority Plant C - Outfall Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 244k
Fileashtabula county port authority Plant C - Raw Water Intake Cleaning.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 20k
Fileashtabula county port authority Plant C - Water Distribution System - Middle ...2021-10-02 03:40 816k
Fileavon mills road elevated water storage tank.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 372k
[TXT]Awarded.html2021-10-02 03:40 67k
Filebarberton - Package Plant Elimination - PH 2 - Norton Acres.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 190k
Filebarberton Brentwood Sanitary Sewer and Package Plant Elimination Project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 112k
Filebarberton Package Plant Elimination - PH 2 - Norton Acres.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 190k
Filebarberton Package Plant Elimination - Phase 4 - Frashure Park.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 100k
Filebarberton san rehab A B & C.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 189k
Filebarberton snyder avenue pump station upgrade.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 111k
Filebarberton summitt road - glenn street water main replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 31k
Filebarberton wastewater treatment plant improvemnents project - phase 3A.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 366k
Filebarberton WWTP Improvements - 2009 Rehabilitation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 806k
Filebay village city hall green parking lot imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 195k
Filebay village dwyer generator.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 120k
Filebay village osborn road.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 304k
Filebedford glendale primary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 530k
Filebedford schools central & glendale window repl.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 45k
Filebedford schools high school and administration buildings improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 30k
Filebedford schools High School Chiller Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 12k
Filebedford schools high school kitchen equip imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 71k
Filebedford schools tennis court improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 34k
Filebellevue Treatment Basins Rehabilitation & Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 16k
Filebellville wwtp improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 17k
Fileberea coe lake - phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 25k
Fileberea coe lake peninsula reforestation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 12k
Fileberea cuy-west center street.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 976k
Fileberea west bridge street replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 26k
Fileblue ash, city of malsbary rd. extension parts A & B.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 65k
Filebluffton wastewater treatment plant headworks improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 146k
Filebluffton west interceptor sanitary sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 540k
Filebremen wtp improvements filter rehabilitation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 852k
Filebucyrus - CRA-4-8.82 Roadway Reconstruction bid tab summary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 205k
Filebyesville Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Phase II.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1059k
Filecadiz Water Treatment Plant HAB Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 387k
Filecampbell co. - Kentucky - East Alexandria Pike #63.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 234k
Filecanfield twp Fairway Drive and Pheasant Run Restoration Project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 70k
Filecanton water reclamation facility phosphorus - total nitrogen project contrac...2021-10-02 03:40 26k
Filecarrollton wwtp expansion.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 302k
Filechagrin falls 2004 sidewalks alternate calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 13k
Filechagrin falls 2004 sidewalks alternate totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filechagrin falls 2004 sidewalks base calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 10k
Filechagrin falls 2004 sidewalks base totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filechagrin falls 2005 pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 300k
Filechagrin falls 2006 pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 396k
Filechagrin falls 2007 pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 541k
Filechagrin falls 2008 pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 232k
Filechagrin falls 2009 pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 450k
Filechagrin falls 2011 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 664k
Filechagrin falls 2016 road program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 324k
Filechagrin falls 2017 capital imps. a,b,c.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1095k
Filechagrin falls 2018 road program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 444k
Filechagrin falls 2019 Pavement Repair Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 132k
Filechagrin falls 2020 Road Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1000k
Filechagrin falls 2020 Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 390k
Filechagrin falls downtown streetscape improv.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1021k
Filechagrin falls East Washington Street Sewer Rehabilitation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 319k
Filechagrin falls evergreen hill cemetery columbarium.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 205k
Filechagrin falls generator installation & replacements - Rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 79k
Filechagrin falls generator installation & replacements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 263k
Filechagrin falls hickory hill storm outfall repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 888k
Filechagrin falls lower pond dam & stream restoration phase 1A & 1B.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 121k
Filechagrin falls lower pond dam & stream restoration phase 1C.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 152k
Filechagrin falls lower pond dam.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 334k
Filechagrin falls Main St. Bridge Retaining Wall.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 315k
Filechagrin falls north street watermain replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 914k
Filechagrin falls River and West Street Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 3387k
Filechagrin falls riverside park playground & playing field improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 407k
Filechagrin falls riverside park walking path imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 439k
Filechagrin falls salt storage structure.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 235k
Filechagrin falls solon rd and south franklin st watermain replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1531k
Filechagrin falls solon road watermain repl-rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 189k
Filechagrin falls solon road watermain repl.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 53k
Filechagrin falls south franklin st watermain replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 396k
Filechagrin falls w orange st.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1217k
Filechagrin falls walters road waterline & pavement improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 90k
Filechagrin falls wellfield-greenbrier water transmission main.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 506k
Filechagrin falls west summit st sewer lining.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 183k
Filechagrin falls wwtp rehab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 304k
Filechevoit st. martins place & municipal parking lot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 123k
Filechevoit trevor & alma improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 36k
Filecircleville 2019 Water Main Replacement Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 29k
Filecircleville Woodland Drive Storm, Sanitary and Waterline Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 34k
Filecity of east liverpool col east 4th street improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 88k
Filecleve hts 2005 resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 736k
Filecleve hts 2006 resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 387k
Filecleve hts 2007 resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 289k
Filecleve hts 2008 street resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 470k
Filecleve hts 2009 street resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 305k
Filecleve hts 2010 street resurfacing program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 509k
Filecleve hts 2010 surface treating program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 89k
Filecleve hts 2011 surface treating.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 127k
Filecleve hts 2012 street resurfacing program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 649k
Filecleve hts 2012 surface treating.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 94k
Filecleve hts 2013 city hall parking lot improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 389k
Filecleve hts 2013 street resurfacing program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 395k
Filecleve hts 2013 surface treating program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 186k
Filecleve hts 2014 street resurfacing program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 456k
Filecleve hts 2014 surface treating program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 94k
Filecleve hts 2016 street resurfacing program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 503k
Filecleve hts cain park and denison park.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 336k
Filecleve hts cleveland heights blvd waterline replacement & resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 433k
Filecleve hts forest hill park path.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 195k
Filecleve hts lee mayfield rd traffic signal pedestrian upgrade.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 117k
Filecleve hts lennox surrey parking structure repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 106k
Filecleve hts monticello pavement rehab - phase ii.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 643k
Filecolumbia schools wwtp imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 78k
Fileconneaut 2010 sanitary sewer pipe lining project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 214k
Fileconneaut 2017 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 289k
Fileconneaut 2018 roadway improvement program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 135k
Fileconneaut 2019 Roadway Improvements Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 79k
Fileconneaut 448 & 462 state street buildings demolition.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 120k
Fileconneaut area city schools asphalt drive imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 81k
Fileconneaut astatic bldg asbestos calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Fileconneaut astatic bldg asbestos totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Fileconneaut astatic bldg demolition calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 9k
Fileconneaut astatic bldg demolition totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Fileconneaut center street wingwall repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 384k
Fileconneaut center street wingwalls.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 384k
Fileconneaut chestnut st aerial sewer repl.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 790k
Fileconneaut Chestnut Street and Middle Road Roadway Improvements .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 778k
Fileconneaut chestnut street storm sewer - Phase II.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 688k
Fileconneaut creek road elevated storage tank.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 715k
Fileconneaut dorman road culvert replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 226k
Fileconneaut downtn traffic signal.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 917k
Fileconneaut east side industrial park.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 761k
Fileconneaut final sampling.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 19k
Fileconneaut harbor street infrastructure imp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 350k
Fileconneaut keefus road slope stabilization.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 146k
Fileconneaut lake erie street sanitary sewer improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 377k
Fileconneaut Lake Road Storm Sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 193k
Fileconneaut lake road waterline materials.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 416k
Fileconneaut orange street waterline.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 938k
Fileconneaut parrish rd booster station.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 68k
Fileconneaut Parrish Road and Chamberlain Boulevard Reconstruction and Signal Rep...2021-10-02 03:40 789k
Fileconneaut port authority floating docks sidewalk installation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 112k
Fileconneaut port authority floating docks.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 61k
Fileconneaut port authority harbor dredging.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 60k
Fileconneaut Residence Street Sanitary Sewer Lining and Manhole Rehabilitation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 405k
Fileconneaut russell street and sandusky street sanitary sewer replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 342k
Fileconneaut sandusky street bid tab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 12k
Fileconneaut Sanitary Sewer Cleaning and Televising - Manhole Runs From MH C-1 to...2021-10-02 03:40 395k
Fileconneaut sr 7 & gateway signals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 490k
Fileconneaut wastewater treatment plant aeration improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 140k
Fileconneaut Waterline Lining Under NS Railroad and Interstate 90 - ReRebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 73k
Fileconneaut west jackson street storm & sanitary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 547k
Fileconneaut west main street waterline - phase 1.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 630k
Fileconneaut Wind Turbine Demolition - REBID.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 13k
Fileconneaut wtp finsih water & booster pump.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 13k
Fileconneaut wtp hypo chlorite equip.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 59k
Fileconneaut wtp water screen imp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 108k
Fileconneaut wwtp aeration improv.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 140k
Fileconneaut wwtp aeration improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 140k
Fileconneaut WWTP final sampling relocation & improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 19k
Fileconneaut wwtp headworks improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 69k
Filecrestview hills Shinkle Road Bridge Erosion Remediation (Rebid).pdf2021-10-02 03:40 59k
Filecuyahoga county public library strongsville library interior improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 16k
Filecuyahoga valley career center level 5 windows replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 77k
[TXT]default.html2021-10-02 03:40 1k
Filedelphos solar module system to elect. power generation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 361k
Filedelphos WWTP MBR blower replacement improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 79k
Filedresden WWTP Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 234k
Fileearnhart hill regional water & sewer distr River Drive WWTP Improvements - Re...2021-10-02 03:40 1341k
Fileeastlake 2006 concrete pavement repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 126k
Fileeastlake 2007 concrete pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 117k
Fileeastlake 2008 concrete pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 132k
Fileeastlake bruce yee park pump station.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 195k
Fileeastlake e 347th & e 348th st pavement replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 518k
Fileeastlake e. 344th st. pavement imp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 287k
Fileeastlake edison & mondamin drives storm sewer improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 443k
Fileeastlake edwards avenue storm drainage.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 793k
Fileeastlake erieview dr reconstruction.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 540k
Fileeastlake Galalina Area Storm Sewer Improvements – Phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1294k
Fileeastlake galalina storm sewer and pump station.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 928k
Fileeastlake gardens park pedestrian bridge.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 176k
Fileeastlake houston fisher pool rehabilitation rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 214k
Fileeastlake jfk senior center reroofing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Fileeastlake LAK - 283 - 5.10 slope stabilization.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 441k
Fileeastlake n parkway san sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 716k
Fileeastlake Plymouth Drive and Quentin Road Storm Outfall Emergency Repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 690k
Fileeastlake power management improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 78k
Fileeastlake quentin rd lift sta part a calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 18k
Fileeastlake quentin rd lift sta part a totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 15k
Fileeastlake quentin rd lift sta part b calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 17k
Fileeastlake quentin rd lift sta part b totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 15k
Fileeastlake quentin rd lift sta part c calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 26k
Fileeastlake quentin rd lift sta part c totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 15k
Fileeastlake quentin rd lift sta part d calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 17k
Fileeastlake quentin rd lift sta part d totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 15k
Fileeastlake quentin rd lift sta part e calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 17k
Fileeastlake quentin rd lift sta part e totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 15k
Fileeastlake quentin road lift station rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 684k
Fileeastlake ridgewood drive pavement improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 273k
Fileeastlake roberts rd phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1308k
Fileeastlake robin drive culvert.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 18k
Fileeastlake robin-king-forest drives pump stations.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 168k
Fileeastlake s lakeshore blvd pavement improv alt.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 40k
Fileeastlake s lakeshore blvd pavement improv.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 70k
Fileeastlake senior center new entrance.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 39k
Fileeastlake senior center parking lot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 350k
Fileeastlake service yard bio-retention basins.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 112k
Fileeastlake sr center boiler.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 41k
Fileeastlake sr center vestibule addition-rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 44k
Fileeastlake Stevens Boulevard Pavement Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1620k
Fileeastlake Waverly 1 Relief - Replacement Sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 653k
FileEastlake Willoway Beach Shoreline Revetment.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1217k
Fileeastlake willowick drive roadway section and slab replacement .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 160k
Fileedgewood thomas more parkway traffic signal modifications.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 43k
Fileelyria sr 57 bid summary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 31k
Fileelyria sr 57 bid tab part 1.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1413k
Fileelyria sr 57 bid tab part 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1183k
Fileeuclid 2016 asphalt repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 498k
Fileeuclid ada handicap ramps & sidewalk project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 240k
Fileeuclid briardale & E. 250th St.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 180k
Fileeuclid chatworth dr san sewer imps-manhole separation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 339k
Fileeuclid consolidated sso elimination project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 2845k
FileEuclid CSO Monitoring Equipment.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 92k
Fileeuclid cuy s.r.283-8.36 lake shore blvd pavement improvemnts project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 312k
Fileeuclid dille rd sewer waterline summary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1166k
Fileeuclid dille rd sewer waterline.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 724k
Fileeuclid e 190th - 195th Swr Impr.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1772k
Fileeuclid e. 222nd st imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 22k
Fileeuclid e. 248th street sewer improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 722k
Fileeuclid e214 sewer-bid summary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 417k
Fileeuclid e214 sewers-bid tab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 939k
Fileeuclid euclid ave & sundry st san imp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 574k
Fileeuclid lloyd rd resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 544k
Fileeuclid memorial park basketball courts.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 866k
Fileeuclid memorial park-press box.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 34k
Fileeuclid shore cultural centre.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 707k
Fileeuclid sludge force main & non-potable water.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 35k
Fileeuclid tungsten road rta turn-around.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 357k
Filefairport 2011 ADA handicap ramp program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 92k
Filefairport harbor 2011 ada handicap ramp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 92k
Filefairport harbor 2012 capital improvement projects.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 442k
Filefairport harbor courtland-orchard-water.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 374k
Filefairport harbor East Street Infrastructure Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 507k
Filefairport harbor high street and water street pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 213k
Filefairport harbor high street storm and sanitary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 209k
Filefairport harbor king street improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 387k
Filefairport harbor Sixth Street, Eagle Street snd Sundry Road Repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1833k
Filefairport harbor third street infrastructure improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 883k
Filefairport high st imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 741k
Filefairport new & 7th st.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 585k
Filefairport second st & east st pave imp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 253k
Filefairport senior center bid summary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 49k
Filefairport sr citizen sidewalks.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 76k
Filefairview park CUY SR 010 06.00 Streetscape.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 75k
Fileforest park 2016 street program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1012k
Fileforest park 2017 street program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 399k
Fileforest park 2019 street program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 68k
Fileforest park 2020 street program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 261k
Fileforest park grandin avenue .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 125k
Fileforest park grandin avenue.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 125k
Fileforest park Kemper at Hanover Intersection Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 33k
Fileforest park plaza renovation .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 53k
Fileforest park wright farm riparian corridor restoration.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 282k
Fileforest park wright farm west detention basin improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 268k
Filefort mitchel ky highland ave resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 202k
Filefort mitchell ky orphanage road sidewalk .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 76k
Filefort thomas 2018 street reconstruction & water main replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 41k
Filefort thomas mess hall and armory exterior rehabilitation and repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filefort thomas Tower Park Shelter #3.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 25k
Filegalion st. rt. 598 NE sanitary trunk sewer replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 586k
Filegalion wwtp influent screw pump replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 144k
Filegallipolis wpcf headworks facility improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 27k
Filegambier Chlorine Feed System.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 33k
Filegambier wwtp influent screen replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 131k
Filegeneva 2011 pavement maintenance program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 109k
Filegeneva 2012 pavement maintenance program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 96k
Filegeneva ATB North Cedar-Water Street Bridge.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 413k
Filegeneva centennial street imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 266k
Filegeneva chestnut street culvert repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 21k
Filegeneva chestnut street paving improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 257k
Filegeneva East Main Street Improvements Southside.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 154k
Filegeneva east main street improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 332k
Filegeneva elm street and north broadway waterline replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 3043k
Filegeneva elm street sanitary sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 739k
Filegeneva JEDDII sewers Bid Summary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 19k
Filegeneva JEDDII sewers Bid tab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 871k
Filegeneva Liberty & Lawn St Resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 109k
Filegeneva library parking lot resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 213k
Filegeneva main street sewer lining.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 234k
Filegeneva n nearing circle, depot st & s eagle st.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 437k
Filegeneva north broadway electrical improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 547k
Filegeneva north broadway streetscape-phase 3.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1320k
Filegeneva raymond drive waterline.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 692k
Filegeneva s eagle street pavement & drainage.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 64k
Filegeneva Senior Center Community Center Façade Improvements - Contract A.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 42k
Filegeneva Senior Center Community Center Façade Improvements - Contract B - RE...2021-10-02 03:40 12k
Filegeneva sherman st north pavement improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 296k
Filegeneva sherman street north pavement imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 296k
Filegeneva south broadway sanitary sewer imrovements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 949k
Filegeneva south broadway streetscape improvements - phase 5.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 446k
Filegeneva south broadway streetscape improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 275k
Filegeneva van epps avenue waterline improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 367k
Filegeneva water dist system repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 19k
Filegeneva water distr. system repairs calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 314k
Filegeneva water distr. system repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 19k
Filegeneva water distribution meter syst..pdf2021-10-02 03:40 84k
Filegeneva water distribution meters.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 44k
Filegeneva water meters.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 57k
Filegeneva Water Street Improvements - Phase 1 - Waterline.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 276k
Filegeneva west main street streetscape improvements-phase 4.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 830k
Filegeneva west street imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 110k
Filegeneva western county court building improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 70k
Filegeneva WWTP 2018 Improvements - Secondary Sludge Holding Tank and Salmonella ...2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filegeneva WWTP Headworks Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 32k
Filegeneva WWTP laboratory building.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 370k
Filegenoa 2019 paving program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 19k
FileGermantown Weaver Road Water Tower Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 483k
FileGermantown Wellfield Electrical Upgrades & SCADA System.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 388k
Filegirard mahoning river flats - 1st bid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 246k
Filegirard mahoning river flats - rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 211k
Filegotl Geneva-on-the-Lake S.R. 531 waterline Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 225k
Filegrant elem-south high-wlby tech reroofing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 93k
Filehartville 2019 Repaving Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 288k
Filehartville Wagner Court SW Sanitary Sewer Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 69k
Filehartville wwtp generator installation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 121k
Filehermitage 2019 Neighborhood Investment Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 119k
Filehermitage 2020 neighborhood investment program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 135k
Filehermitage carr-stull family homestead garden.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 125k
Filehermitage Freedland Road Stormwater and Roadway Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 63k
Filehermitage Hermitage Town Center Pedestrian Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 37k
Filehermitage pa valley view road resurfacing and culvert replacement project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 177k
Filehighland hts comm center imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 57k
Filehighland hts municipal pool - mechanical room improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 15k
Filehighland hts pool equipment improvements - contract A.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 22k
Filehighland hts pool equipment improvements - contract B.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 11k
Filehighland hts pool slide restoration.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 37k
Filehighland hts undergroung pool piping repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 14k
Filehiram hinsdale street ext. - Base Bid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 361k
Filehiram hinsdale street ext. - Alternate.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 47k
Filehiram hinsdale street extension.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 345k
Filehiram infrastructure imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 388k
Filehiram road extension base & alts.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 122k
Filehubbard 2013 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 433k
Filehubbard 2014 pavement resurfacing program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 196k
Filehubbard 2016 pavement resurfacing program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 223k
Filehubbard 2017 pavement resurfacing program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 670k
Filehubbard 2019 Roadway Resurfacing Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 202k
Filehubbard cyrus ave waterline.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 164k
Filehubbard Erie Street Sanitary Sewer Replacement Project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 137k
Filehubbard myron street resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 535k
Fileindependance ky memorial park basketball courts - phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 434k
Fileindependence Lafayette Subdivision Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 14411k
Fileindepndence ky independence 2018 street program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 286k
Filejackson Bike Trail Phase 1.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 18k
Filejackson chillicothe pipe water booster station.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 60k
Filejackson McCarty Lane Pump Station Renovation - Rebid 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 36k
Filejackson mccarty lane rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 110k
Filejackson Pump Station Generator Connections and Portable Generator.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 80k
Filejackson sewer rehab-televising.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 251k
Filejackson sewer rehab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 314k
Filejackson sr93 water main replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 229k
Filejefferson 2017 road program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 140k
Filejefferson 2018 road program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 222k
Filejefferson Erie Street Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 324k
Filejefferson sidewalk replacement improvements .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 25k
Filejefferson Sycamore Street Reconstruction.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 325k
FileJefferson W. Jefferson Street and Sundry Streets Sanitary Sewer Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 21k
Filejohnny appleseed metropolitan park district - Lowry Farm Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 37k
FileJohnstown - Croton Road Waterline Extension.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 112k
Filejohnstown S. Kasson Street - Phase 1.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 173k
Filekelleys island 2012 chip seal on sundry streets.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 509k
Filekelleys island 2018 water sytem improvements - contract A & B.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 27k
Filekelleys island 2018 water sytem improvements - contract C.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 67k
Filekelleys island 2020 Street Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 106k
Filekelleys island airport runway paving.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 150k
Filekelleys island Elevated Water Tank Repainting.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 109k
Filekirtland 2019 Drainage Improvement Projects.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 31k
Filekirtland Booth Road Resurfacing - Phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 235k
Filekirtland Booth Road Resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 142k
Filekirtland euclid-chardon road storm sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 327k
Filekirtland heath rd embankment repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 59k
Filekirtland hills 2007 street resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 158k
Filekirtland hills baldwin road widening & resurfacing improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 529k
Filekirtland hills chillicothe road drainage imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 425k
Filekirtland hills Chillicothe Road Widening and Drainage Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 142k
Filekirtland hills hart-chillicothe rd safety imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 380k
Filekirtland hills little mountain road resurfacing and drainage improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 658k
Filekirtland hills police-service garage reroofing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 41k
Filekirtland hills village 2006 resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 23k
Filekirtland kirtland road sanitary sewer improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 100k
Filekirtland raccoon hill drive culvert capacity restoration.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 75k
Filekirtland sr 306 contract 1 rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1022k
Filekirtland sr 306 traffic lights.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 431k
Filekirtland temple view bid tab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 222k
Filekirtland temple view san sewer contract a alt calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 23k
Filekirtland temple view san sewer contract a alt totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 16k
Filekirtland temple view san sewer contract a base calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 28k
Filekirtland temple view san sewer contract a base totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 16k
Filekirtland temple view san sewer contract b calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 17k
Filekirtland temple view san sewer contract b totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 15k
Filelake co. solid waste facilityl.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 110k
Filelake co. barbara drive san sewer repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 120k
Filelake co. buildings accessibility entrance imp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 41k
Filelake co. e 289th-silver st waterline imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 356k
Filelake co. gen health district standby generator.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 59k
Filelake co. heatherstone wwtp imp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 67k
Filelake co. Kirtland Road to King Edward Court Waterline - Rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 648k
Filelake co. Kirtland Road to King Edward Court Waterline.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 123k
Filelake co. lake road lift station.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 55k
Filelake co. lake road reconstruction.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1014k
Filelake co. land reutilization corp. demo program 2013.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 35k
Filelake co. land reutilization corp. demo program 2015.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 241k
Filelake co. land reutilization corp. demo program 2017 phase 2 - 01.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 10k
Filelake co. land reutilization corp. demo program 2017 phase 2 - 02.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 15k
Filelake co. land reutilization corp. demo program 2017 phase 2 - 03.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 24k
Filelake co. land reutilization corp. demo program 2017 phase 2 - 04 - ASBESTOS.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 17k
Filelake co. land reutilization corp. demo program 2017 phase 2 - 04 - DEMOLITION...2021-10-02 03:40 12k
Filelake co. Maplegrove and Rockefeller I-90 Crossing Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 110k
Filelake co. marsh creek interceptor replacement - lake county project no. 336s -...2021-10-02 03:40 121k
Filelake co. mentor marsh interceptor repl.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 121k
Filelake co. scale replacement & scale house imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 11k
Filelake co. solid waste facility - C4 Ph4.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 373k
Filelake co. solid waste facility mgmt & ops.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 117k
Filelake co. sr 306 sanitary sewer improv contracts 2c & 2d rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 32k
Filelake co. sr 306 sanitary sewer improvements contract 2A.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 41k
Filelake co. sr 306 sanitary sewer improvements contract 3A.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 94k
Filelake co. sr 306 sanitary sewer improvements contract.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 404k
Filelake co. sr 306 sanitary sewer improvements contracts 1, 2A,2B,2C,2D&3B.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 221k
Filelake co. sr 306 sanitary sewer improvements contracts 2A and 2B.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 41k
Filelake co. sr 306 sanitary sewer improvements contracts1 and 3B.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 222k
Filelake co. sr 306 sanitary sewer improvements contracts3B.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 325k
Filelake co. sr306 san sewer 3A.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 99k
Filelake co. sr306 san sewer multi contracts summary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 74k
Filelake co. sr306 san sewer multi contracts.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1388k
Filelake co. tanglewood force main.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 46k
Filelake county council on aging - parking lot improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 985k
Filelake metroparks concord woods san sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 41k
Filelake metroparks erie shores gc maint facility.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 108k
Filelake metroparks outdoor skills center.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 53k
Filelake metroparks pine ridge gc bridge installation & sitework.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 396k
Filelake metroparks pine ridge gc window replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 73k
Filelakeland comm college center for learning innovation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 678k
Filelakeland comm college Engineering Parking Lot and Roadway.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1127k
Filelakeland comm college paving.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 997k
Filelakeland comm college-rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1246k
Filelakemore - water main valve and hydrant replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 106k
Filelakemore Lake Road and Fourth Street Storm Sewer Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 2913k
Filelakemore plaza drive reconstruction.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 694k
Filelakemore sanitarium road (CH 136) water main improvements - phase II.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 136k
Filelakemore SUM-CR 136-1.69 Sanitarium Road.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 184k
Filelakemore water well no. 5 development.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 68k
Filelakeside park hudson avenue reconstruction.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 127k
Filelakeside parknew city building.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 24k
Filelaketran 2017 joint and slab repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 241k
Filelaketran hq parking lot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 349k
Filelaketran propane gas detector improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 44k
Filelaketran Wickliffe Park-N-Ride Lot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1787k
Filelakewood 2016 clean water pilot study right of way sanitary sewer rehabilitat...2021-10-02 03:40 24k
FileLiberty Township - Administration Building Roof Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 12k
Filelincoln heights Leggett & Schumard Street Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 37k
FileLorain 28th St. Watermain Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 465k
Filelorain contract 5w sr 611 21st st waterline repl.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 530k
Filelorain east central sewer-10s.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 514k
Filelorain oberlin avenue resurfacing, phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1135k
Filelorain pearl ave waterline.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1685k
Filelorain west side san sewers-15S.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 904k
Filelordstown 2008 st paving program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 173k
Filelordstown eastside san sewer imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 655k
Filelordstown ellsworth-bailey rd bridge.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 571k
Filelordstown goldner lane reconstruction.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 257k
Filelordstown hallock - young force main replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 518k
Filelordstown muth rd pavment joint rehab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 57k
Filelordstown public warning system - phase II.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 192k
Filelordstown public warning system.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 195k
Filelordstown Sanitary Sewer Meter Manhole Re REBID.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 39k
Filelordstown sanitary sewer meter manhole.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 34k
Filelordstown state route 45 waterline relocation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 203k
Filelordstown waterline, sanitary sewer and pump station improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1762k
Filelowellville mah-lowellville lighting-paving.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 258k
Filelowellville West Wood Street Improvements Project .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 136k
Filelowelville 2017 roadways and sidewalk improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1388k
Filemadison Oak Hollow Pavement Repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 59k
Filemadison township Park Building Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 12k
Filemadison village 2016 sanitary sewer rehabilitation safford street collector s...2021-10-02 03:40 147k
Filemadison village 2017 road program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 148k
Filemadison village 2018 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 209k
Filemadison village arcola creek headwaters restoration.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 203k
Filemadison village Dayton Road Water Tank Wet Surface Rehabilitation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 32k
Filemadison village growing green.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 275k
Filemadison village hyder drive base repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 71k
Filemadison village hyder road culvert.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 70k
Filemadison village lexington blvd. & williamsburg ct pavement replacement bid ta...2021-10-02 03:40 181k
Filemadison village main st traf sig imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 707k
Filemadison village main street traffic signal improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 684k
Filemadison village oak hollow pavement repair bid tab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 60k
Filemadison village parkway culvert replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 137k
Filemadison village sanitary sewer rehab - safford.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 147k
Filemadison village senior center.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 343k
Filemadison village sr center parking lot imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 306k
Filemahoning valley sanitart distric system valve replacement phase 3 - rebid .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 493k
Filemahoning valley sanitary district system valve replacement - phase 3.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 498k
Filemaineville village of east foster-maineville road and mulberry street rehabi...2021-10-02 03:40 85k
Filemantua contract a franklin st waterline.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 118k
Filemantua headwaters trail.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 921k
Filemantua high street waterline replacement and pavement improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 982k
Filemantua reservoir ps b alt bdrtot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filemantua reservoir ps b alt calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filemantua reservoir ps b electrical base bdrtot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filemantua reservoir ps b electrical base calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 9k
Filemantua reservoir ps b general base bdrtot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filemantua reservoir ps b general base calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filemantua S.R. 44 and Orchard Street Intersection Widening.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 36k
Filemantua west prospect street roadway and drainage.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1262k
Filemarblehead Alexander Pike Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 20k
Filemarion co park dist tallgrass trail - phase 4.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 80k
Filemarion co park dist tallgrass trail - phase 5.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 659k
Filemarion co. brd. of commissioners sewer district 7 WWTP - storage building.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 136k
Filemedina co. demolition and clearance of selected sites #1.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 38k
Filemedina co. demolition and clearance of selected sites #2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 67k
Filemedina co. demolition and clearance of selected sites #3.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 9k
Filemedina co. demolition and clearance of selected sites #4.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 14k
Filemedina co. demolition and clearance of selected sites #5.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 156k
Filementor - mentor aveune left-turn lane and intersection improvements at garfie...2021-10-02 03:40 839k
Filementor 2007 Asphalt Pavement Repair Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 112k
Filementor 2007 concrete pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 130k
Filementor 2007 concrete pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 124k
Filementor 2009 pavement repair program bidcals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 92k
Filementor 2012 sidewalk repl. - zone 2b.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 581k
Filementor beechwood drive storm sewer imp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1072k
Filementor Belle Meadow Road Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 497k
Filementor bellflower & market pavement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 60k
Filementor bellflower road resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 490k
Filementor block brook golf course maintenance building - REBID.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 159k
Filementor Bridge No. LAK-306-0691 Repairs Over State Route 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 157k
Filementor Brighton Road Storm Outfall Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 175k
Filementor center street improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1099k
Filementor center street resurfacing, right turn lane & signalization.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 2016k
Filementor civic center generator.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 13k
Filementor civic center pool - handicapped accessible restroom addition.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 11k
Filementor Garfield Park Maintenance Building - Roof Repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 127k
Filementor garfield park pond improvements and dredging.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 406k
Filementor heisley road widening.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1039k
Filementor hendricks-hopkins bdrtot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filementor hendricks-hopkins bdrtotalternate.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filementor hendricks-hopkins bidcalcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 62k
Filementor hendricks-hopkins rd alternate.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filementor hopkins rd bridge calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 49k
Filementor hopkins rd bridge totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filementor ice arena sw gear calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filementor ice arena sw gear totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filementor kellogg creek baset otals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 403k
Filementor lagoons dredging.xls2021-10-02 03:40 30k
Filementor lagoons restroom base-rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 80k
Filementor lagoons restroom summary-rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 17k
Filementor lagoons restroom totals-first bid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 46k
Filementor lagoons west beach revetment repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 279k
Filementor LAK - SR 84 - 8.11 - state route 84 resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 201k
Filementor lak 615-05.68 munson road resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 497k
Filementor lak 615-05.68 munson road.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 497k
Filementor lak-morton-headlands trail ii.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1085k
Filementor lakeshore blvd bike lane.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 849k
Filementor lakeshore blvd turn lane improv.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 388k
Filementor Maintenance Facility and Ice Arena Roof Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 13k
Filementor Maple Street Storm Sewer Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 327k
Filementor marigold road improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 101k
Filementor marsh creek storm water detention.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 504k
Filementor Menards Drive at Diamond Centre Traffic Signalization.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 177k
Filementor mentor ampitheater and site improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 27k
Filementor mentor avenue left turn lane and intersection improvements at garfield...2021-10-02 03:40 839k
Filementor Mentor Beach Park Emergency Revetment Repair .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 411k
Filementor Mentor Lagoons Park - Marina Bulkhead Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 38k
Filementor midland road storm sewer improvements - phase 1.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1699k
Filementor muni court renovations-addition.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 108k
Filementor municipal council chanbers.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 138k
Filementor murray avenue storm sewer improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 12083k
Filementor Norton Parkway M.O.B. Road Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 726k
Filementor norton pkway alternates.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1498k
Filementor norton pkway base.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 2086k
Filementor norton pkway bridge.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 279k
Filementor norton pkway summary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 65k
Filementor Old Village Lighting - Phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 176k
Filementor old village lighting.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 301k
Filementor orchard road.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 650k
Filementor plaza blvd extension.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 927k
Filementor Police Station - 2nd Floor Window Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 12k
Filementor public library lower level improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 105k
FileMentor Regional Response Facility.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 49k
Filementor reynolds road.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 373k
Filementor Rice Detention Basin.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1042k
Filementor sr 615 lighting calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 19k
Filementor sr 615 lighting totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filementor station st resurfacing & drainage improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 763k
Filementor station street resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 763k
Filementor stoneybrook lane garfield road storm improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 494k
Filementor two town ditch restoration imp. and sprinbrook park phase 1 & 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1684k
Filemillersport SCADA System Upgrade - Water Treatment Plant.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 11k
Filemillersport scada systems upgrade - water treatment plant.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 11k
Filemingo junction 2010 street paving program - rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 401k
Filemingo junction 2011 street paving program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 544k
Filemingo junction 2012 street paving program - rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 350k
Filemingo junction lincoln ave sewer separation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 521k
Filemingo junction wwtp emergency sluice gate repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 35k
Filemotl 2007 asphalt pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 357k
Filemotl 2007 concrete pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 177k
Filemotl 2008 asphalt & concrete pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 135k
Filemotl 2009 asphalt & concrete pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 259k
Filemotl 2013 asphalt pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 180k
Filemotl city hall park asphalt path imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1657k
Filemotl City Hall Park Pavilion.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 9k
Filemotl ivy drive storm sewer improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 254k
Filemotl lake street storm sewer improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 641k
Filemotl Miami Road Drainage Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 197k
Filemotl overlook beach park stairway.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 221k
Filemotl pinehurst drive drainage system improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 402k
Filemotl thunderbird storm sewer and lake street outfall improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 684k
Filemvsd filtration system.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 844k
Filemvsd system valve repl. phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 485k
Filemvsd system valve replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 804k
Filen canton main st resurfacing ODOT LPA funded.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 424k
Filen ridgeville senior center parking lot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 318k
Filen ridgeville sr center.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 124k
Filenew concord WTP Clarifier Renovation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 387k
Filenewcomerstown CR15 Railroad Spur Waterline.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 309k
Filenewcomerstown West Street Area Water Main, Sanitary Sewer & Roadway.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 31k
Filenewport ky bakerfiled road bridge repairs over phillipscreek rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 232k
Fileniles - ann ave & thomas st sidewalks & drainage.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 214k
Fileniles 2016 pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 996k
Fileniles belmont ave sidewalk imp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 34k
Fileniles gypsy lane storm sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 921k
Filenoble county Lashley Addition Paving.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 80k
Filenorth baltimore north main street reconstruction phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 212k
Filenorth perry 2009 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 37k
Filenorth perry 2010 road program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 378k
Filenorth perry 2011 road program n. perry village.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 157k
Filenorth perry 2019 Asphalt Pavement Repair Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 98k
Filenorth perry townline park bridge replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 425k
Filenorth perry village sidewalks.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 655k
Filenorth perry village townline park marina haul road improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 438k
Filenorton admin bldg pump station.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 44k
Fileohio das pickaway correction inst wwtp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 380k
Fileohio valley conservation coalition City of Jackson Bike Path Phase 1.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 18k
Filepainesville 2013 waterline improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1037k
Filepainesville elm st waterline replace phase 1.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 563k
Filepainesville elm st waterline replacement - phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 133k
Filepainesville Influent Screen.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 70k
Filepainesville Pinehill Road Waterline Replacement - Phase 1.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 129k
Filepainesville twp schools buckeye elementary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 34k
Fileparma grantwood dr.-w. ridgewood project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 798k
Fileperry jedd Midwest Materials Sanitary Sewer Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 93k
Fileport clinton Fremont Road Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 106k
Fileport clinton Jefferson St. Sanitary Sewer and Water System Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 67k
Fileport clinton OTT-Jefferson St. Reconstruction; PID 106850.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 360k
Fileportage county reginal sewer district equipment garage.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 738k
Filepreservation parks meredith state trail.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 146k
Filepreservation parks sandel legacy trail.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 26k
Fileravenna wwtp final clarifiers equip replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 175k
Filereynoldsburg 2009 street improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 923k
Fileriverside schools Stadium Band Grandstand Project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 18k
Files russell 2006 pavement repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 359k
Files russell 2007 pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 294k
Files russell 2008 pavement repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 214k
Files russell 2009 pavement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 152k
Files russell 2012 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 211k
Files russell 2013 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 787k
Files russell 2018 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 221k
Files russell 2019 Pavement Repair Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 132k
Files russell 2020 Pavement Repair Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 608k
Files russell cascades drive culvert replace.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 122k
Files russell cascades drive culvert replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 122k
Files russell chelsea court drainage.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1064k
Fileseven hills hemlock creek watershed.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 284k
Fileseven hills hemolock creek watershed.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 284k
Filesharonville community center lobby and fitness room renovation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filesharonville Community Center Multi-Purpose Room Renovation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 12k
Filesharonville fields ertel ph 2 improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 65k
Filesharonville fire station 87 renovation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 548k
Filesharonville gower park retaining wall.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 29k
Filesharonville Plainfield Road Sidewalk.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 28k
Fileshelby wastewater treatment plant improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 477k
Fileshiloh WWTP Improvements – Headworks and SBR.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 56k
Filesmithville - wwtp tertiary treatment improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 68k
Filesmithville E. Prospect, S. Mill and Church Street Water Main Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 200k
Filesmithville s. milton st. water main replacemen.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 792k
FileSmithville West Main Street Water Tower Project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 47k
Filesolon aurora east-bid summary.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 29k
Filesolon aurora east-digioia.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 865k
Filesolon aurora east-fabrizi.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 871k
Filesolon aurora east-kenmore.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 867k
Filesolon aurora east.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 954k
Filesolon pettibone road.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1308k
Filesouthgate 2018 street program .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 332k
Filesouthgate 2019 Street Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 112k
Filesouthgate Wm. Blatt & East Walnut Alley Reconstruction Project .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 63k
Filespringdale 2019 springdale street maintenence program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 23k
Filespringdale 2019 springdale street rehabilitation program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 48k
Filespringdale Beacon Hills Subdivision Streets Grind & Resurface.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 163k
Filespringdale cloverdale area streets resurfacing .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 95k
Filespringdale fire department vehicle exhaust program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 89k
Filespringdale landan lane reconstruction.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 252k
Filespringdale Olde Gate Drive Reconstruction.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 2427k
Filespringdale springdale community center roof replacement phase 1.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 117k
Filespringdale west kemper road resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 5389k
Filestrongsville pearl road widening project (CUY-42-0.90).pdf2021-10-02 03:40 2023k
Filesunbury 2007 pavement imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 228k
Filesunbury 2008 pavement imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 347k
Filesunbury 2009 pavement imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 223k
Filesunbury 2013 big walnut school pavement imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 76k
Filesunbury 2013 street imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 228k
Filesunbury 2015 village square street improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 360k
Filesunbury 2016 street improvments.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 220k
Filesunbury 2017 street improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 162k
Filesunbury 2017 street imps - rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 162k
Filesunbury 2018 and 2019 street improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 164k
Filesunbury 2020 Street Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 499k
Filesunbury ada curb replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 66k
Filesunbury computer system improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 115k
Filesunbury Martindale Park and Parking Lot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 109k
Filesunbury middleview drive culvert replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 151k
Filesunbury Ohio Fallen Heroes Trail Project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 116k
Filesunbury town hall brick restoration.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 733k
Filesunbury town hall roof replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 80k
Filesunbury Upground Reservoir Outlet Piping and Associated Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 118k
Filesunbury west cherry street storm sewer improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 789k
Filetaylor miill pride parkway sawmilll drive traffic signal project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1516k
Filetaylor mill 2019 Street Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 38k
Filetaylor mill Mason Rd. Stabilization .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 30k
Filetaylor mill Rust Drive Bridge Erosion Remediation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 33k
Filetaylor mill taylor mill road sidewalk phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 56k
Filethe redevelopment authority of the county of washington, PA, donora waterline...2021-10-02 03:40 301k
Filetiffin 2013 Pavement Repair Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 123k
Filetiffin Hedges-Boyer Park Rock Creek Pedestrian Bridge.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 28k
Filetiffin market street improvements - jefferson st to rock creek.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1449k
Filetiffin odot urban paving.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 366k
Filetiffin rock creek trail - alternate bid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 85k
Filetiffin rock creek trail - Base Bid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 377k
Filetiffin SEN-18-14.61.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1145k
Filetimberlake village sanitary sewer rehab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 160k
Filetrumbull county howland water.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 49k
Filetrumbull county Mosquito Creek WWTP Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 120k
Filevermilion elberta beach - contracts a and b.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 638k
Filevermilion primary clarifier improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 15k
Filewaite hill eagle road imp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 130k
Filewaite hill 2007 road program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 124k
Filewaite hill Metcalf Road Pavement Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 159k
Filewaite hill rd resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 96k
Filewaite hilll road improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 428k
Filewaldo west main street storm sewer imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 648k
Filewarren university street storm sewer improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 2050k
Filewest union Crackel Subdivision Sanitary Sewer - Phase 3.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 708k
Filewest union Lift Station Renovation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 736k
Filewest union S.R. 41 Waterline Improvements – Lee Street to Page School Road ...2021-10-02 03:40 227k
Filewest union Wastewater Treatment Plant.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 41k
Filewheeling Ph II - Contracts II-A to II-J.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 998k
Filewheeling Phase 3 - Wastewater Collection & Treatment System Improvements - PH...2021-10-02 03:40 618k
Filewheeling Phase 3 - Wastewater Collection & Treatment System Improvements - PH...2021-10-02 03:40 141k
Filewheeling Phase 3 - Wastewater Collection & Treatment System Improvements - PH...2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewheeling Phase 3 - Wastewater Collection & Treatment System Improvements - PH...2021-10-02 03:40 11k
Filewheeling Phase 3 - Wastewater Collection & Treatment System Improvements - PH...2021-10-02 03:40 233k
Filewheeling phase ii - k-1-cso monitoring equipment.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 371k
Filewheeling Water Dist. System Impr. - Phase 2 - Wells No. 7 & 8.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 266k
Filewheeling Water Dist. System Impr. - Phase 4 - Mozart Water Main Rehabilitati...2021-10-02 03:40 98k
Filewheeling Water Dist. System Impr. - Phase 5 - Stack Yard Tank.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 140k
Filewheeling Water Dist. System Impr. - Phase 6 - Stack Yard Feeder Main.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 246k
Filewheeling water treatment plant filtration upgrade.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 213k
Filewheeling wtp filtration upgrade and plant imp.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 213k
Filewickliffe elem school bldg masonry imp & high school park lot improvement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 384k
Filewickliffe worden road improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 528k
Filewickliffe 2006 pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 460k
Filewickliffe 2008 pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 823k
Filewickliffe 2009 preventative maintenance program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 13k
Filewickliffe 2010 pavement improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 379k
Filewickliffe 2011 concrete joint repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 79k
Filewickliffe 2011 pavement repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 927k
Filewickliffe 2012 pavement repair program - Contract A.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 78k
Filewickliffe 2013 pavement program-frank drive.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 502k
Filewickliffe 2016 concrete pavement slab replacement program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 261k
Filewickliffe 2017 concrete slab repl.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 327k
Filewickliffe 2019 Concrete Pavement Slab Replacement Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 91k
Filewickliffe city hall accessibility improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 61k
Filewickliffe city hall vertical lift.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 20k
Filewickliffe city school district family resource center interior improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 2427k
Filewickliffe city school district high school track surface imrovements - phase ...2021-10-02 03:40 9k
Filewickliffe city schools 2008 pavement repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 474k
Filewickliffe city schools 2009 pavement repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1168k
Filewickliffe city schools 2017 building and site improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 657k
Filewickliffe city schools door hardware replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 35k
Filewickliffe city schools elementary school building masonry & high school parki...2021-10-02 03:40 384k
Filewickliffe city schools elementary, middle & high schools contracts A, B, & C...2021-10-02 03:40 31k
Filewickliffe city schools elementary, middle & high schools contract D.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 305k
Filewickliffe city schools elevator building additions and building improvements ...2021-10-02 03:40 29k
Filewickliffe city schools High School and Family Resource Center Interior Improv...2021-10-02 03:40 28k
Filewickliffe city schools middle school boiler replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 129k
Filewickliffe city schools middle school elevator addition.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 82k
Filewickliffe city schools middle school pavement contract B rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 350k
Filewickliffe city schools middle school waterline contract A orig bid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 127k
Filewickliffe city schools middle school windows replacement - phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 81k
Filewickliffe city schools middle school windows replacement - phase 3.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 140k
Filewickliffe city schools middle school windows replacement - phase 4.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 17k
Filewickliffe city schools reroofing & misc imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 22k
Filewickliffe coulby pond imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 366k
Filewickliffe coulby pool complex resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 25k
Filewickliffe east 289th street improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 340k
Filewickliffe east 290th, larchmont, fenwick pavement improvements contract a - a...2021-10-02 03:40 511k
Filewickliffe east 290th, larchmont, fenwick pavement improvements contract b - c...2021-10-02 03:40 352k
Filewickliffe elm street and east 291st watermain and pavement improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 863k
Filewickliffe elm street sanitary sewer lining.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 221k
Filewickliffe empire rd watermain pavement improv.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 173k
Filewickliffe euclid ave resurfacing calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 26k
Filewickliffe euclid ave resurfacing totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewickliffe euclid ave sewer bdrtot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewickliffe euclid ave sewer calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 15k
Filewickliffe fire station asphalt shingles reroofing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 380k
Filewickliffe Green Ridge Drive Storm Sewer and Pavement Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 371k
Filewickliffe green ridge golf course clubhouse roof.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 24k
Filewickliffe greenridge gc pole barn.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 142k
FileWickliffe Homewood Drive Water Main and Pavement Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 563k
Filewickliffe jindra park ballfield improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 964k
Filewickliffe jindra park pool complex demolition.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 269k
Filewickliffe jindra park pool complex- contract b - construction.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 87k
Filewickliffe lakeland boulevard widening.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 183k
Filewickliffe lane park a-furnish calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewickliffe lane park a-furnish totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewickliffe lane park b-furnish&install calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewickliffe lane park b-furnish&install totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewickliffe lloyd rd watermain & pavement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 711k
Filewickliffe Maple Street Water Main and Pavement Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1118k
Filewickliffe police sta exterior imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 96k
Filewickliffe police station reroof.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 67k
Filewickliffe regent rd sanitary sewer lining .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 161k
Filewickliffe Ridge Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 306k
Filewickliffe rockefeller rd phase 2.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 347k
Filewickliffe rockefeller rd phase 3.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1267k
Filewickliffe service garage fire protection system.xls2021-10-02 03:40 29k
Filewickliffe sr-comm center phase 1 site work.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 855k
Filewickliffe Sun Ave Resurfacing.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 498k
Filewickliffe tennis courts reconstruction.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 391k
Filewickliffe vacant restaurant demolition.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 126k
Filewickliffe worden road improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 528k
Filewillard water pollution control plant improvement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 107k
Filewilloughby 2006 asphalt repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 193k
Filewilloughby 2007 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 622k
Filewilloughby 2008 pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 451k
Filewilloughby 2009 pavement repair .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 274k
Filewilloughby 2010 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 298k
Filewilloughby 2011 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1463k
Filewilloughby 2012 concrete pavement slab repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 377k
Filewilloughby 2012 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 258k
Filewilloughby 2013 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 650k
Filewilloughby 2016 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 524k
Filewilloughby 2017 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 771k
Filewilloughby 2018 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 708k
Filewilloughby 2019 Pavement Repair Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 223k
FileWilloughby 2020 Concrete Pavement Slab Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 491k
Filewilloughby ADA Ramp Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 494k
Filewilloughby bar screen building replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 20k
Filewilloughby carriage lane san sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 66k
Filewilloughby church st storm sewers.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 295k
Filewilloughby city hall & service garage roofs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 68k
Filewilloughby daniels park combined contract a&b calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewilloughby daniels park combined contract a&b totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewilloughby daniels park contract a calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewilloughby daniels park contract a totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewilloughby daniels park contract b calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewilloughby daniels park contract b totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewilloughby daniels park streambank.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 143k
Filewilloughby E. 364th, E. 365th & Harvard Street Storm Sewer Replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 346k
Filewilloughby eq basin control structure rehab-rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 26k
Filewilloughby eq basin control structure rehab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 133k
Filewilloughby erie road sanitary sewer and pump station.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 930k
Filewilloughby erie st san & storm sewers.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 175k
Filewilloughby erie st storm relief sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 495k
Filewilloughby figgie drive storm outfall - rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 107k
Filewilloughby figgie drive storm outfall.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 287k
Filewilloughby golf course clubhouse bdrtot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewilloughby golf course clubhouse calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 9k
Filewilloughby hamann parkway storm relief sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 494k
Filewilloughby kirtland rd culvert.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 245k
Filewilloughby Kirtland Road Sanitary Replacement Sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 167k
Filewilloughby LAK Erie Street Reconstruction.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 803k
Filewilloughby lakeshore blvd force main.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 251k
Filewilloughby lost nation golf course bridges & parking lot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1146k
Filewilloughby lost nation golf course hole 2 drainage.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 463k
Filewilloughby lost nation golf course overall drainage.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 728k
Filewilloughby madison skiff sewer replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 377k
Filewilloughby muni pool liner.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 26k
Filewilloughby nason basin outlet improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 769k
Filewilloughby Plains Road Force Main Replacement - REBID.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 61k
Filewilloughby poplar pumping station force main replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 150k
Filewilloughby quentin road equalization basin.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 571k
Filewilloughby ridge rd breckenridge village retaining wall.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 164k
Filewilloughby river st san sewers.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 187k
Filewilloughby s.r. 306 from s.r. 84 to kirtland-chardon road.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 348k
Filewilloughby s.r.174 & s.r. 84 booster st. upgrade.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 59k
Filewilloughby sanitary sewer rehabilitation contract A & B.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 734k
Filewilloughby sludge disposal.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 128k
Filewilloughby som center rd san relief sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 191k
Filewilloughby sr 91 slope stabilization.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 414k
Filewilloughby stevens boulevard storm sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 304k
Filewilloughby storm trunk seewr cleaning.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 164k
Filewilloughby two town ditch culvert & channel modifications.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 425k
Filewilloughby van gorder san lining bdrtot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewilloughby van gorder san lining calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 13k
Filewilloughby vine street sanitary sewer lining .pdf2021-10-02 03:40 390k
Filewilloughby w-e wpcc haul road culvert.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 129k
Filewilloughby w-e wpcc mechanical bar screen.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 20k
Filewilloughby WPCC Capacity Enhancement Project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 50k
Filewilloughby wpcc clarifier rehabilitation bid tab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 44k
Filewilloughby wpcc scada.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 121k
Filewilloughby-eastlake schools 2008 pavement repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 370k
Filewilloughby-eastlake schools 2012 parking lots and drive.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 650k
Filewilloughby-eastlake schools grant elem-south high.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 40k
Filewillowick 2003 sidewalks bdrtot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewillowick 2003 sidewalks calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 13k
Filewillowick 2003 striping bdrtot.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewillowick 2003 striping calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 14k
Filewillowick 2005 concrete pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 60k
Filewillowick 2005 striping.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 210k
Filewillowick 2006 pavement repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 168k
Filewillowick 2007 striping.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 159k
Filewillowick 2008 sewer & lateral replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 37k
Filewillowick 2009 Pavement Repair Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 281k
Filewillowick 2009 Striping Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 88k
Filewillowick 2010 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 774k
Filewillowick 2011 pavement repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 595k
Filewillowick 2011 striping program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 154k
Filewillowick 2012 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 565k
Filewillowick 2013 lateral replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 61k
Filewillowick 2013 pavement repair program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 251k
Filewillowick 2013 striping program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 186k
Filewillowick 2017 lateral program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 198k
Filewillowick 2018 street improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 826k
Filewillowick 2019 Lateral Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 51k
Filewillowick 2019 Pavement Repair Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 225k
Filewillowick 2020 Pavement Repair Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 37k
Filewillowick 330 street watermain replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 436k
Filewillowick barjode street pavement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 106k
Filewillowick bayridge creek outfall.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 228k
Filewillowick city hall AC unit replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 36k
Filewillowick city hall fire station window replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 7k
Filewillowick dudley pavilion.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 23k
Filewillowick dudley spray park.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 35k
Filewillowick e 300th st.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1016k
Filewillowick e. 327th street sewer rehabilitation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 252k
FileWillowick E. 328th Street Sewer Repair.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 475k
Filewillowick e. 329th st. sewer rehab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 510k
Filewillowick E. 329th Street Sewer Rehabilitation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 148k
FileWillowick E. 330th street sanitary sewer rehabilitation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 134k
Filewillowick euclid ave parallel sewer.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 355k
Filewillowick lak s.r. 283.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 658k
Filewillowick lake shore blvd-e322 st storm outfall.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 505k
Filewillowick lateral rehab base calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 10k
Filewillowick lateral rehab base totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewillowick lateral rehab contingency calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewillowick lateral rehab contingency totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewillowick lateral repl. prog.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 355k
FileWillowick Lateral Replacement Program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 390k
Filewillowick Manry Park Exercise Trail Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 59k
Filewillowick north lakeshore glen arden sewer improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 917k
Filewillowick roosevelt park.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 188k
Filewillowick roosevelt school.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 161k
Filewillowick royalview dr replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1326k
Filewillowick sanitary sewer rehab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 80k
Filewillowick sanitary sewer rehabiiltation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 80k
Filewillowick sewer & lateral repairs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 110k
Filewillowick thomas st alt a calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 38k
Filewillowick thomas st alt a totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 17k
Filewillowick thomas st alt b calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 60k
Filewillowick thomas st alt b totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 17k
Filewillowick thomas st alt c calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 25k
Filewillowick thomas st alt c totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 16k
Filewillowick thomas st base calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 59k
Filewillowick thomas st base totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 17k
Filewillowick vine st bdrtot-altnerate.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewillowick vine st bdrtot-base.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewillowick vine st bidcalcs-alternate.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 14k
Filewillowick vine st bidcalcs-base.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 45k
Filewillowick vine st rebid calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 53k
Filewillowick vine st rebid totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewillowick vine st-calcs.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 34k
Filewillowick vine st-totals.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 8k
Filewinchester Main Street Improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1068k
Filewindham wwtp improvments.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 72k
Filewlby hills 2006 pavement program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 377k
Filewlby hills 2007 striping program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 23k
Filewlby hills 2008 striping.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 71k
Filewlby hills camelot court improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 747k
Filewlby hills corp 90 & stark rd pump sta rehab - rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 309k
Filewlby hills corp 90 & stark rd pump sta rehab.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 543k
Filewlby hills ECTW Area C contract 5 & 6.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1770k
Filewlby hills ECTW contracts 2 & 3 rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 800k
Filewlby hills ECTW contracts 2, 3, & 4.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 533k
Filewlby hills eddy road pavement and drainage rehabilitation.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 274k
Filewlby hills lateral construction program.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 164k
Filewlby hills maplegrove slope failure.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 1094k
Filewlby hills rogers road slope stabilization.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 819k
Filewlby hills sayle farm drainage imps.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 443k
Filewlby hills stormwater retrofit-pervious pavers.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 25k
Filewlby hills woodlands san sewer & pump station-rebid.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 568k
Filewlby hills woodlands san sewer & pump station.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 601k
Filewlby sr 306 from 84 to kirtland-chardon rd.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 348k
Fileyoungstown princeton water tower demolition project.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 179k
Fileyoungstown princeton water tower phase 2 site improvements.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 17k
Fileyoungstown west avenue waterline replacement.pdf2021-10-02 03:40 36k
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